  NUTN Exchange Student Admissions

建立新帳號 (Create an Account)

8 到 20 碼英文字母和數字的混合。
8 to 20 digits consisted of English letters and numbers.
Noted that password is case-sensitive.
(Confirm Password)
認證碼(Random Code):
  • 您輸入的電子郵件信箱將作為爾後登入系統的帳號。
  • 您送出資料後,系統將會寄送一封確認信到您的信箱。
  • 請收到信件之後,點選信件中的連結以完成確認。
  • 如果您確定輸入的信箱沒有錯誤,但是一直沒有收到確認通知信,很有可能該信件被視為廣告或垃圾信件。
  • 若問題無法解決請寄信到:vincent_at_gm2.nutn.edu.tw。
  • The email address you enter will be your account for logging into this system.
  • The system will automatically send a mail to your mailbox. Please click the link provided in the mail to complete the process.
  • If you can not receive the notification mail, please make sure you enter the correct email address. The other possibility is that the mail has been considered as commercial or malicious.
  • If you can not work out the problem, please send a mail to : vincent@mail.nutn.edu.tw .



| web國立臺南大學(NUTN) | browser建議使用 Chrome 或支援 HTML5 的瀏覽器 (Chrome Recommanded) |

| address700301 台南市中西區樹林街2段33號 (33, Sec. 2, Shu-Lin St., Tainan 700301, Taiwan) | phone(06)2133111 Ext 856 國際事務處國際事務組 |

© 2014 National University of Tainan (NUTN)